Problem talk creates problems; solution talk creates solutions.

Steve de Shazer
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a short-term goal-focused evidence-based therapeutic approach, which incorporates positive psychology principles and practices, and which helps clients to change by constructing solutions rather than focusing on problems. In the most basic sense, SFBT is a hope-friendly, positive emotion-eliciting, future-oriented vehicle for formulating, motivating, achieving, and sustaining desired behavioral change.


The solution-focused coaching model, or SFCM, is a type of coaching that focuses on solutions and setting goals. It encourages clients to bring their strengths and successes to the forefront, to move them toward the intended outcome.

A major component of Solution Focused Coaching involves encouraging clients to identify the desired outcome or future state that they would like to achieve. This future-oriented perspective is then used as a guide for creating specific action steps necessary for achieving the desired results. SFC also focuses on solutions, and encouraging problem-solving rather than ruminating about dysfunctional behavior patterns.

Common topics

Personal coaching

Business coaching

Your coaching can be conducted in German, English, or Spanish, either in-person or – upon your request – online. I look forward to an informal and complimentary initial consultation with you, where we can get to know each other and define your concerns.

The purest form of madness is to leave everything as it is and still hope that something will change.

Albert Einstein

What can I do for you?

I will gladly accept your enquiry. In order to be able to answer you as quickly as possible, I need your contact details. I look forward to receiving your message.
About me


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Covadonga Fernandez Diaz. I was born in Germany in 1969 as the daughter of Spanish immigrants. Currently, I reside in Düsseldorf with my husband, two nearly-adult children, and our amiable companion doodle, Mathilda.

My Resumé

University Career
  • B.A. Health psychology
  • M.Sc. Economic psychology
Additional education
  • Sfbt Solution focused brief therapy (according to Steve de Shazer und Insoo Kim Berg)
  • Inneres Team (according to Prof. Dr. Schulz von Thun)
  • Reteaming (according to Ben Fuhrman)
  • MI Motivational Interviewing (according to Rollnick)
  • ZRM Züricher Ressourcen Modell (according to Dr. Storch and Dr. Krause)
  • Aptitude diagnostics (according to DIN 33430)
  • Psychological – and cognitive evidence-based testing
  • Dyslexia Information, testing & overcoming (according to Dr. Sally Shaywitz und Bennett A. Shaywitz M.D. Yale)



Bockumer Straße 262
40489 Düsseldorf
